Running Toward Free Healthcare

Free Clinics


UI Mobile Clinic

The Mobile Clinic is an interdisciplinary health sciences student organization founded to provide free health screening, prevention, education, and basic health services to under-served populations in and around Iowa City. Healthcare is a universal human right. Many people in our community are currently denied this right. The Mobile Clinic was founded to:

  • Provide free health screening, prevention, education, and basic health services to underserved populations in and around Iowa City.

  • Utilize interdisciplinary potential from the allied health sciences at the University of Iowa.

  • Raise awareness of existing health resources in the community.

  • Connect people in the communities served by these resources.

  • Partner with these communities to assess their changing needs and adapt our services to reflect these changes.

  • Advocate for patients both in clinics and the larger social arena.

For more information about services, volunteering, and more visit their website:


Free Medical and Dental Clinic of Iowa City

The Board of Directors and Staff of the Iowa City Free Medical and Dental Clinic are committed to the belief that access to affordable health care is a basic human necessity. The Clinic exists to provide the widest scope of primary care possible to those who do not have access to other health care providers. While care is provided at no cost, it is also provided within the constraints imposed by the use of volunteers and limited resources. Our principles of practice are:

  • To eliminate barriers to health care by offering services without cost.

  • To offer services that are non-judgmental and confidential.

  • To encourage the participation of patients in their own care.

  • To advocate for the medically under-served in our community.

For more information about services, volunteering, please visit their website:

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